Saturday, August 1, 2009

You are the peanut butter to my jelly!

On July 14th Scott and I celebrated our 19th Wedding Anniversary. We had an anniversary date the week before because I was out of town for work on the 14th. When I woke up in Chicago on the 14th I was surprised at how sentimental and emotional I felt. I texted Scott early in the morning and told him not to call me because I knew I would burst into tears. He texted me back with an anniversary message saying I was his dream wife, he loved me, etc. Then he ended the text by saying, "You are the peanut butter to my jelly!" I smiled all day when I thought of that. It really is a sweet picture of the teamwork we have in our marriage.

Scott and I love to laugh together. Silliness abounds at our house. We have even learned to laugh when things don't go as planned. (The family picture photo shoot where Scott dropped me in the freezing cold fountain has brought many laughs at our house!)

Finally, I love being a parent with Scott. We enjoy our time just the 2 of us but also make our boys a priority. It's great to talk about them at the end of the day to someone who loves them and thinks they are just as incredible as I do!! Quite often when we are enjoying a family dinner or a card game together, one of us will say, "I love US!"

I look forward to many more years of being the peanut butter!!


Trudy said...

Hey friendy nice hat!! I bet the person that bought you that loves you a lot!! Yes, that would be me!!

Heather Bower said...

You two are so cute together. I hope when I grow up my hubby and I can be so happy... :) You are quite the example.

Esther said...

Awesome! Awesome!! And here's to the next 14 PLUS...

Unknown said...

I remember being with you in Chicago on your 10th anniversary and Scott sent roses (or maybe it was chocolates)as a surprise. I can't believe it has been 19 years already. Congrats to you two.