Friday, May 29, 2009

The Last Day of School

It's hard to believe that it has been a whole school year since we stood in these same spots on the 1st Day of School. We are all a little older, wiser, and TALLER!! The year flew by in record time and was packed full of great memories and accomplishments. Jr. High definitely agreed with Tyler. He made new friends quickly and mastered his studies. Brandon left his mark on his elementary school by being the student body president, Friday sports reporter, and enjoyed his first overnight field trip to Sea World.
What a year! Reflecting on how fast the year went by definitely made me sentimental. The following song by Steven Curtis Chapman captures the idea of how soon are kids will be grown up and GONE. So whether you have a little Cinderella or Prince Charming, enjoy the message of this song. (Get a box of tissue if you are emotional.)


Critter said...

I love that song too!! Have a great summer :-)

Heather Bower said...

Your boys are so cute. It is crazy to think how big our kids get and how fast. :) What a picture with the broken arm.

Trudy said...

You look beautiful in yellow friendy!! Tyler, oh my goodness Julie, he is as tall as you!!!!! They are growing up so fast.